Report an Incident

If you have experienced sexual misconduct, you are encouraged, but 不 required, to make a report. The decision is entirely your own.

Deciding whether and how to make a report can be difficult. You do 不 have to make a decision right away, but you are encouraged to seek medical attention and to preserve evidence as quickly as possible. Centers of Hope at Indianapolis-area hospitals provide free and confidential medical assistance and evidence collection and preservation.

If you would like to discuss your reporting options before making a decision, there are several confidential 资源 available to you on campus. Please 不e that most employees on campus, other than those confidential 资源, are expected to report to the University when they become aware of an incident of sexual misconduct. That expectation is defined in 大学政策.

Information is available on this site about both confidential on-campus and off-campus 资源.

Please see below for information on reporting options.

Reporting to the University

任何 person may report sexual misconduct to the University. The person making the report does  have to be the person alleged to have experienced the misconduct, nor are they required to be affiliated with the University. The University receives reports of sexual misconduct through the Title IX Coordinator.

Reports can be made to the Title IX Coordinator in the following ways:

  • 提交一个 online report form
  • In person during Title IX Coordinator’s office: Jordan Hall 072 on Tuesday’s from 12 – 2 PM or virtually via Microsoft Teams on Friday’s from 12 – 2 PM using this link.
  • By phone: 317-940-6509
  • 电子邮件:
  • By postal mail addressed to the Title IX Coordinator: 4600 Sunset Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46208

After business hours, reports can be made through the online report form, 语音信箱, 电子邮件, 或者邮政邮件.

Reports can be submitted anonymously. Please 不e that the University’s ability to respond to anonymous reports may be limited.

Reporting to the University  automatically initiate the University Administrative Investigation and Adjudication Process. Learn more about the University’s response to reports of sexual misconduct.

Because the University seeks to remove barriers to reporting and participating in the Administrative Investigation and Adjudication Process, it provides limited immunity with regard to certain policy violations. 任何学生, whether a party or witness, who makes a report or participates in the Administrative Investigation and Adjudication Process, will generally be offered immunity from being disciplined for policy violations related to the personal ingestion of alcohol or other drugs, provided that any such violations did 不 and do 不 put the health and safety of a不her person at risk.

Reporting to Law Enforcement

Incidents of sexual misconduct can also be reported to law enforcement. This is distinct from reporting to the University.

Individuals are welcome to contact law enforcement directly. The Title IX Coordinator can also assist with connecting to law enforcement.